What's on at the Artichoke

Come and see what Bat & Trap is all about or join our Artichoke Quiz every Thursday at 8pm.

We also have an acoustic session the first Wednesday of every month and upcoming karaoke disco nights! See more info below with dates and times.

Artichoke, Chartham, Shepherd Neame

Bat & Trap League

Our Bat & Trap League started in April and is every Wednesday. If you are interested in joining our team please pop in for a chat or give us a call.

Bat and trap is an English bat-and-ball pub game which is still played in Kent, and occasionally in Brighton.

The Canterbury and District Bat & Trap League was founded on Thursday September 22nd, 1922. They held a meeting at Ye Olde Beverlie and then they spent the summer codifying the rules, establishing a standard size for pitches and equipment, and persuading a number of pub landlords to lay their grounds out in preparation for the season of 1923.

In 2014, the first World Cup of Bat and Trap began, with teams from various leagues around the country played in a one day event!

Artichoke, Chartham, Shepherd Neame

Artichoke Quiz

Calling all you Quizzy Rascals! Our quiz is held every Thursday at 8pm.

Keep up to date by following us on social media.